Peer Review Process

Proses Review.

(1) Pengarang mensubmit artikelnya;

(2) Editor menilai persyaratan penulisan artikel;

(3) Editor ketua menilai artikel;

(4) Editor kepala menunjuk rekan editor;

(5) Mengundang  Reviewer;

(6) Reviewer menjawab ajakan itu;

(7) Penilaian menilai dan mengirim kembali

(8) Editor kepala menilai penilaian itu;

(9) Keputusan diteruskan ke pengarang.

Penerimaan dna penolakan artikel akan diputusakan oleh Editor kepala didasarkan pada review dari reviewer. Catatan yang menjadi alasan penolakan diberikan kepada pengarang.


The review process is as follows.

(1) Author submits article;

(2) Editorial Office assesses article's requirements;

(3) Editor-in-Chief appraises article;

(4) Editor-in-Chief assigns an Associate Editor;

(5) Invitation to Reviewer;

(6) Reviewer's Response to Invitation;

(7) Review is conducted;

(8) Editor-in-Chief evaluates the review;

(9) Decision is communicated to author.

The acceptance or rejection of articles will be decided by the Editor-in-Chief based on the review by the reviewer. Author whose article is rejected will be informed with the reasons of the rejection.